- Last Updated on Thursday, 31 August 2023 15:06

About This Case File: This file is extensive, collected in different sessions over many years. The AQR was collected in 2006, the data was entered into the database in 2007 and the Anaphora Sketch (Mutaka and Safir), not so carefully edited, was also completed in (2007). There is also a Grammar Sketch (Mutaka, 2007) as well as a translated folktale. A special feature of this case file is the Kinande/English dictionary, last version 2011, prepared independently of the Afranaph Proect by Philip Ngessimo Mutaka and Kambale Kavutirwaki, which is posted here. The 'original text' line is missing in the Afranaph Database and in the AQR. The elicitation document employed was AQ2.1 and so some of the additions introduced in AQ2.2 were not elicited. The analytic entity information in the Afranaph Portal needs further updating. Glossing in AQR and in the database are not up to current standards. There is also a CCQR, not currently posted in .pdf form, that has been entered into the database in 2017. There were revisions to it in 2023 that have not been displayed here. The analytic entities in the Clausal Complementation database portal also need to be updated and this may be addressed by 2024.
In February of 2020, just before the pandemic, Dr. Mutaka visited Rutgers and many additional elicitations took place (with the participation of Mark Baker, Hazel Mitchley, Lydia Newkirk, and Ken Safir). The .pdfs from these elicitations, along with subsequent followup examples and discussion are listed below (or soon will be). All of these data have been entered into the Afranaph Database or will soon be. Analytic entities in the two portals mentioned above will also need updating.
(Last updated August, 2023)
- Anaphora Questionnaire Response [pdf]
- Grammar Sketch [pdf]
- Anaphora Sketch [pdf]
- Traditional Story [pdf]
- Kinande-English/English-Kinande Dictionary [pdf]
- Bibliography of scholarly work on Kinande [doc]
KiNande Case File Consultant

Contact Info:
Ngessimo Mathe Mutaka
Dept of Linguistics,
Univ. of Yaounde 1,
P.O. Box 755
Yaounde, Cameroon
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