- Last Updated on Tuesday, 13 February 2024 23:05
The Baatonum Case File

(1) Yaya Yodoma is a professional French-English Translator and Interpreter in Benin. He is a native speaker of Baatɔnum (speaks the Goro dialect). Yaya completed his undergraduate studies in English, with a focus on African Studies at the University of Abomey-Calavi in Benin and a Master's Degree in Law at the same University.
(2) Tajudeen Mamadou Yacoubou is a PhD Candidate in Linguistics at Rutgers University. His main interests are in Phonology and Phonetics of tone and intonation; and the computational approaches to phonological processes involving tone and intonation. Tajudeen, who acquired Baatɔnum around age 6 is a near native speaker of it and was involved in the data collection as a linguist consultant, working hand in hand with Yaya Yodoma.