Home Baatonum

The Baatonum Case File

baatonumAbout This Case File: The Anaphora and Clausal Complementation Questionnaire of Baatonum (also known as Bariba) are currently being filled out and will be posted as soon as they are ready.  (Last updated October 2021)
  •  DP Positions Questionnaire [in progress]
  •  Bibligraphy of work on Baatonum [in progress] 




Baatonum Case File Consultants

(1) Yaya Yodoma is a professional French-English Translator and Interpreter in Benin. He is a native speaker of Baatɔnum (speaks the Goro dialect). Yaya completed his undergraduate studies in English, with a focus on African Studies at the University of Abomey-Calavi in Benin and a Master's Degree in Law at the same University.

(2) Tajudeen Mamadou Yacoubou is a PhD Candidate in Linguistics at Rutgers University. His main interests are in Phonology and Phonetics of tone and intonation; and the computational approaches to phonological processes involving tone and intonation.  Tajudeen, who acquired Baatɔnum around age 6Deen2  is a near native speaker of it and was involved in the data collection as a linguist consultant, working hand in hand with Yaya Yodoma.