- Last Updated on Friday, 22 September 2017 11:38

Limbum Case File Consultant
Francis Wepngong Ndi is a Linguistics researcher with affiliations at the University of Yaoundé 1, Cameroon. He is also a Linguistics consultant for Limbum language as well as translation and interpretation involving; English, French, Dutch, and English based Pidgins. He obtained a Research Masters (MPhil) in Semantics from Leiden University in August 2008 from the program titled: Structure and Variation in the Languages of the World. His most recent publications include: The Limbum – English Dictionary and English – Limbum Index, Pronominal and Adjectival Referencing in Limbum, and Limbum Reflexives. His research interests are in Linguistics Typology and Contact Linguistics which include studies in (a) Phonology, (b) morphology (c) syntax, (d) Semantics, (f) Pragmatics and (f) Discourse Analysis.
Contact information
Address: Oude Singel 110, 2312 RE, Leiden, The Netherlands
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: +31 616845698