Last Updated on Tuesday, 08 December 2020 03:29
The Amharic Case File
About this case file: The AQ response for Amharic has gone through preliminary follow-up elicitation, but no anaphora sketch is written for it yet. The ‘original text’ line is missing for almost all examples, and so each elicitation example has only a morpheme breakdown, the gloss and the translation. Since Amharic has its own alphabet (Ge’ez), it would not be useful to non-Amharic audiences to present either the morpheme breakdown or the original text line in Ge’ez. However, a number of special orthographic forms need to be employed to adequately represent the language in an enhanced Latinate representation, and a guide to these is provided in the beginning of the static AQR (the .pdf). There are missing sections on proxy readings and ellipsis. The elicitation document employed is AQ 2.1, and so some of the additions introduced in AQ 2.2 were not elicited. All the elicited data has been entered into the Anaphora Database.
At this writing, we expect aspects of the AQ response to be revised in the future, and thus further entries into the database may be anticipated.
- Anaphora Questionnaire Response [pdf]
- Bibliography [pdf] (Compiled by Tajudeen Mamadou Y. in Oct 2020)
(Last updated February, 2012)

Amharic Case File Consultant
Derib Ado Jekale is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Linguistics at Addis Abbaba University. His PhD (2011) is titled 'An Acoustic Analysis of Amharic vowels, plosives and ejectives'. His MA thesis, also from AAU (2004) was The structure of Noun Phrase in Yem (an Omotic language spoken in southwest Ethiopia). His interests include experimental phonetics, and phonology.