- Last Updated on Thursday, 31 August 2023 16:45

About This Case File: The AQR for this file is not nearly as well glossed nor is it as complete as the database entries for the sentence data. The data entries from that time (around 2010) are not up to current glossing standards and tone is missing throughout. There is an anaphora sketch, however, that is an effective guide to what we found and the analytic information in the Anaphora Portal for Lubukusu includes analysis subsequent to the anaphora sketch. The CCQR lacks a great deal of detail. In some sections there is no morpheme breakdown or gloss, though those are often sentences that are minimally distinct from others that are fully glossed. All of the data entered into the database is fully glossed. Ken Safir, Mark Baker, and Justine Sikuku have all worked together and separately to enhance our data for Lubukusu, so there is much more in the database as a result of research for several papers we have written together. The later data is much more complete, including tone and the original text line. The analytic entities in the Clausal Complementation Portal are relatively rich for Lubukusu and further work continues on these data.
- Anaphora Questionnaire Response [pdf]
- Lubukusu Anaphora Sketch [pdf]
- Clausal Complementation Questionnaire Response [pdf]
- DP Positions Questionnaire Response [pdf]
- Tense Aspect Questionnaire Response [pdf ]
LuBukusu Case File Consultant
Justine Mukhwana Sikuku is a Lecturer in the department of linguistics and Foreign Languages at Moi University, Kenya. He received his Ph.D. from The University of Nairobi in 2011. Between August and November, 2011, he was a post-doctoral associate in the department of linguistics at Rutgers University. His research interests are in syntax and morphology, particularly in the nature of syntactic anaphora of African languages, as evidenced by his dissertation on the nature of anaphoric relations in Lubukusu. He is also the native speaker consultant on Lubukusu for the Afranaph project, and the Afranaph Sister Projects.