- Last Updated on Thursday, 31 August 2023 09:50
Article Index
About compensation
Although we realize that most of our consultants participate in our project out of curiosity about their own language, in order to bring attention to their language as the object of theoretical study, to participate in linguistic inquiry generally, to expand their range of academic contacts, and so forth, and we hope to deliver on those aspirations, we also recognize that the work of our project is not a trivial commitment of time and effort and that it should be remunerated, however inadequately. So, although we know that what we ask of our native speaker linguist consultants is worth more than what we could pay, in the past, while the NSF support was active, we did pay something. However, after 20 years, our funding was retired when I (Ken Safir) retired from Rutgers in June 2023. It is possible that we will find new funds going forward, but we cannot count on being able to pay our consultants in the future. Below is the schedule of what we would like to be able to pay, but we cannot promise we will have money to pay anyone. In other words, right now we can only pay in aspirational dollars, not real ones.
AQ - $400 for completion of first draft of AQR. $200 more for two or more follow-ups.
CCQ - $400 for completion of first draft. $200 more for two or more follow-ups.
DPPQ – discontinued.
NCQ – discontinued.
OMQ - $400 for completion of first draft. $200 for completion of follow-up.
SSBQ – discontinued.
TAQ – discontinued.
Completion and credit: The Afranaph staff researcher editing your questionnaire response must confirm that a questionnaire has been completed and then you will then receive email from Afranaph stating what your credit amount is according to the aspirational payment schedule in effect at the time of completion. If we can find money to pay you, we will.
Cash Payment: It is possible that some payments can be made from funds to be made available by the Rutgers Linguistics department, and in that case, there is a bureaucratic procedure that must be followed. Payment can be made by balance transfer or Western Union draft in that case. If payment is not made through Rutgers, then payment is more likely to be made through Western Union.
The Laptop Option: We used to ship laptop computers to consultants who had reached a certain threshold of payments, but that option has been discontinued, since it is now easier for our consultants to make their own purchases in Africa and the cost of shipping is now prohibitive.
We used to be able to make additional payments for the preparation of documents (e.g., grammar sketches). Payment for such contributions is unlikely going forward. Unless you request anonymity, we will publish a profile of you (which you provide) on the Case File page for your language.