Home News and Events Conference Program now available

Conference Program now available


Rutgers University, December 12-14, 2013 – Tentative schedule


Click on any title in the schedule below to see an extended abstract for the talk.

All abstracts (alphabetical by first author) can also be downloaded here.


Thursday, December 12

Reception at Department of Linguistics, 5:00-6:30


Friday, December 13

9:20 Welcome - Dean of Humanities, Rutgers University 

9:30 Ken Safir, Rutgers University - The Afranaph Project: Where we are and where we might go

9:45 Vicki Carstens, University of Missouri - On DP positions and the location of subjects: Report on two Sister Projects

10:25 Coffee break

10:40 Sylvester Ron Simango - Rhodes University - Pastness, 'Persistence' and Tense/Aspect in African Languages: Report on the Tense and Aspect Project

11:20 Ibirahim Njoya, University of Hamburg/Asien-Afrika-Institut - Interaction between tense-mood-aspect and negation in Makaa (A83)

11:55 Tarald Taraldsen, University of Tromsø and David Langa, Universidade Edoardo Mondlane - Conjunctive and disjunctive verb forms

12:30-2:00 Lunch

2:00 Justine Sikuku - Moi University - Possessive Constructions in African Languages

2:35 Claire Halpert - University of Minnesota - Nominal morphology and licensing in Zulu and beyond

3:10 Break

3:25 Ken Safir and Mark Baker, Rutgers University - Towards a principled approach to clausal complementation and selection

4:05 Patricia Cabredo Hofherr - CNRS/Paris-8 & Surrey Morphology Group - Antecedentless subjects: Impersonal constructions and passives

4:40 Hilda Koopman, UCLA - Pooling resources: linking Afranaph and SSWL/Terraling and developing a semi automated questionnaire

5:25 End of day

Note: Blasius Achiri, University of Buea - The definite article and its range of definiteness in Moghambo - Dr Achiri is unable to attend but was able to deliver this paper.

Saturday, December 14

9:30 Ken Safir and Naga Selvanathan, Rutgers University - The Anaphora Sister Project: Transitive reciprocal constructions

10:10 Pius Akumbu, University of Buea - Competing Babanki anaphors

10:45 Break

11:05 Patricia Schneider-Zioga, California State University, Fullerton, and Ngessimo Mutaka, University of Yaounde 1, Cameroon - Linkers in Kinande

11:40 Mark Baker, Rutgers University and Ruth Kramer, Georgetown University - The morphosyntax of applicative markers in Amharic

12:15 Mamadou Bassene and Ken Safir, Rutgers University - Verb stems in Eegimaa: The syntax of the verbal spine

12:50-2:15 Lunch

2:15 Hermann Keupdjio, Universit of British Columbia - Wh-movement, remnant movement and clause typing in Mə́dûmbà

2:50 Business meeting and discussion

3:25 Break

3:40 Mamadou Bassene, Rutgers University – Mixed categories in Jóola Eegimaa derived nominals

4:15 David Langa, Universidade Edoardo Mondlane, and Tarald Taraldsen, University of Tromsø - Secondary nominal prefixes in Bantu

4:50 - End of day

7:00 Conference Dinner