Home About the Case Files Static Content Staff Database Design: Alexis Dimitriadis
ImageThe online database that Afranaph uses is a customized version of a family of databases designed by Alexis Dimitriadis. Alexis worked closely with the Afranaph staff to adapt his design to our needs, bringing both his technological and linguistic skills to bear, a combination that has been indispensable for the success of our project.

Alexis Dimitriadis obtained his M.A. degree in Mathematics from Portland State University, and the Ph.D. degree in Linguistics from the University of Pennsylvania. He is currently a senior research associate at the Utrecht institute of Linguistics OTS. He has participated in several technology-related projects, including the Berlin-Utrecht Reciprocals Survey, for which the software behind the Afranaph database was developed, and the Typological Database System. His primary research interests include the semantics and typology of reciprocals, anaphoric and pronominal reference, Greek linguistics, and Bantu linguistics.

For more information about Alexis Dimitriadis, please contact him via email.