About This Case File: Both the AQR and CCQR are posted and the sentences are entered into the database. Analytic entities are entered for the Anaphora Portal, but analytic entity information for the Clausal Complementation portal are incomplete. Work on an anaphora sketch is in (slow) progress.
- Grammar Sketch of Muyang by Théodore Bebey
Muyang Case File Consultant
A former student of Teacher Higher Training College Yaounde, Théodore Bebey is a holder of B.A in French and English literature and linguistics. He defended his PhD thesis entitled «The Cartographic Syntax of Muyang: a Chadic Language Spoken in Northern Cameroon» in 2015 after his M.A on «The Movement of Wh-phrases» in the same language in the University of Yaounde 1. He has been teaching French grammar, pedagogy and African linguistics part-time in the University of Douala, then in Teacher Higher Training School Bertoua and in the Department of African Languages and Cultures of the University of Maroua. His research interests are syntactic theories, phonology, lexicology, language management and pedagogy. He is the author of six articles on the syntax of Chadic languages and language planning.